
Flask app builder run after changing
Flask app builder run after changing

In a development environment, both methods are fully supported, so you can use the one you like best. For a production deployment use a production-ready web server such as gunicorn or uWSGI. If you are trying to figure out how to start your application on a production server, then the answer is indeed simple: use neither. The most important thing you need to know is that both these methods start a development web server, which is a server that you will use locally on your own system while you develop your application. Unfortunately there isn’t a simple answer. If you are starting a new Flask application today, should you use app.run() or flask run? We'll begin with the million dollar question. Ready? Let’s dive in! Should I use app.run() or flask run? In this article we are going to explore the pros and cons of each of these methods. But also, a lot of people still see app.run() as more convenient and easier to use. One reason for this is that there is a lot of older but otherwise still relevant content out there for Flask. Today you can still find a large number of applications and code tutorials that use the app.run() method. While the design of the Flask website has changed considerably in the years that followed, as I’m writing this article in 2020 the flask run method continues to be the most visible in the official documentation for the framework. While previously a simple app.run() call inside the application script was used, now there is a flask run command, plus a FLASK_APP environment variable. Here is the same page on June 17th, 2017:Īs you can see, the core of the application has not changed, but the method by which the application server is started has indeed changed, and in a very significant way. This example application then was shortened to just 5 lines. Below you can see a snapshot of the Flask website as it looked on June 12th, 2017: For many years the famous “Hello, World” example Flask application was 7 lines long.

Flask app builder run after changing